Acne and Acne scars
Acne is a common skin problem involving the pilosebaceous unit, mostly affecting teenagers and middle-aged individuals. It can present with unsightly comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and inflamed tender bumps. Untreated acne can have lifelong consequences such as acne scars that appear as dark spots or crater-like lesions on the face and can significantly impact self-esteem. We offer a holistic approach to your acne and acne scars with medical skin care products and in-office acne treatments.
Procedures: extractions, cosmetic peels, diamond microdermabrasion, microneedling (Réjuvapen), platelet rich plasma treatment (ReGen Plasma, Selphyl), and lasers (MicroLaserPeel, ProFractional XC Resurfacing, Halo Hybrid Laser)
Project details
- Vendor: Jersico
- Budget: $100, 000